At Samsung, I worked on a variety of projects that included - improving the user experience of Tizen UX, contributing to My Galaxy, the Social Camera Project, Emotify project , AR Doodle, etc. While some of these were shipped to the market others were innovation research projects,
this case study is of one such project.
Since Samsung Bangalore is a Research and Development Institute, there is always ongoing research on new/emerging technologies.
As part of the Product Innovation team my work on a daily basis involved trying to see how these emerging technologies would create meaningful experiences for our target consumers. The following is a documentation of the same.
1. Decoding immersive experiences
2. Contribution to SRIB, strategy.
My Role
Senior Designer
(Research, Ideation, Visual Design, Motion Design,Interaction Design, Ideation, UX story building, Pitch Creation, Strategy, Innovation )
After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dimension, Paper , Pens, Sticky Notes, Microsoft Powerpoint
Project Team
3 designers
1 Design manager
The Challenge
The brief that was given to us was to explore the areas of AR and VR and how it could add value to Samsung Mobile phone users.
Secondary Research
Social and tech trend research was conducted to understand the market for immersion . This helped provide a landscape of the exisiting enablers and influencers.
These trends were documented to later create an ecosystem map for immersion .
Primary Research
One on one semi structured interviews were conducted with 6 genzs, and 8 millenials within the city of Bangalore . A focus group study was also conducted . The objective of the research was to gage with people how they understood and interpreted immersion in daily life
Social/ Tech Trend research, Articles, Case Studies ,
Research Papers,
Existing products
One on One Interviews,
Focus Group
Reframing ,
Persona Creation
Story Boarding,
Brain Storming
Final Pitch Deck Prep
Story Building
Hi fidelity Prototypes,
Video Explainer
Due to non disclosure agreement with the company I have appropriated confidential information . The information included here are my own and does not reflect the views of Samsung.
Ecosystem Mapping
insights , social trends and tech enablers, associated companies
stimulate your senses
the extreme
catharisis of
feel a deep
living your imagination
fig: Over view of personas
Before the ideation , i had to look at the constraints. One of the key constraints was that I had to create concepts specifically for the Samsung mobile experience
The other constraint was the technical aspects of it. Since the idea was to be as explorative, We came up with the decision to t be mindful of possible technical issues that could arise.
The third constraint was the inability to posses a VR / MR device to get more context while ideating.
For the ideation phase, I used sketching and body storming as a methodology to come of with ideas, each of these ideas was a sticky note on the wall and as a team we used the Rose Thorn Bud methodology to filter out the final concepts.
The selected ideas were further detailed out using the Story Boarding methodology.
User Insights
Affinity Mapping was used to finally group all interviews into 6 key insights to the research question: What is immersion to people and how do they interpret it in daily life.
fig: An over view of the key insights
The long press interaction allows users to select a texture. A relevant feedback is given by the system to indicate that the particular texture is picked and stored in the system.Users can pick many textures in a single session
Once the user has finish picking textures , the user can change the camera mode to selfie mode by a simple swipe up and apply a texture to themselves (from the repository of textures that the user has picked earlier) with a simple tap or explore and apply them to anything else.
Concept 2:
Ability to turn day to day objects and surfaces into something delightful/ magical and interact with them
USER PERSONA : Exprience Explorer , Eager Bieber
USER NEED : Uninhibited Exploration , Stimulate Your Senses, Living your Imagination
POSSIBLE TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS : Surface detection, Realtime Image processing, Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping, Surface tracking, mutimodal large langauge models
Users can tap on a surface to make a selection. The system uses surface detection tech to map the surface and then using artificial intelligence intelligently augments something the system finds relevant on the surface. users can continuously tap in order to get multiple augmentations.
System uses tech like object tracking, occlusion mapping and depth sensing inorder to give its users an interactive experience with objects which when tapped on via the camera will intelligently give relevant augmentation to create playful experiences
Concept 3:
Ability to create multiple versions of self or others
USER PERSONA : Exprience Explorer , Eager Bieber, Connect Nurturer
TECHNNICAL REQUIREMENTS :Realtime image Segmentation, Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping,
USER NEED :Feel a deep connection , Living your imagination
When user's tap on the augmenter button, the system captures a 4 seconds long boomerang video .
In the process of capturing the video, the system also separates the background from the foreground and stores only the information of the foreground( object or person) for the 4 seconds. Using AI, the system then creates an augmentation that is an exact replica of the 4 second video captured and places the augmentation in the same scene.
This process can be repeated as many times as the user taps on the augmenter button to create multiple versions of objects and people played on loop .
Use case: Using it in the messaging sphere where users could now express their multiple emotions or express more ideas with multiplicity
Use case: Using it to create memes and other post worthy material.
Concept 4:
As this was an explorative design fiction work , I also looked took the brief a little further and thought of ideas that could be possible if there were no constraints at all and if users could fully immerse into a virtual space. This one one concept made it to the final pitch deck
USER PERSONA : Exprience Explorer , Solace Seejker
USER NEED : Stimulate your senses, Catharsis of Equilibrium, Uninhibibited Exploration
note - do click the volume on button on each of the videos to activate the audio.
Normal view when MR/VR set is not worn by user.
View when MR/VR set is worn by the user. The system captures sound and converts the sound into an augmented visualisation of the same based on certain parameters that quantifies sound.
This augmented visual of the sound can be interacted upon by the user using certain interaction parameters to invoke the augmentation( a simple tap in the air) or to change the angle of viewing the augmentation ( a finger swipe or a palm swipe)
Users can also add layers of sound augmentation on an existing augmentation by simply double-tapping on the existing one. In the video prototype, while the initial sound augmentation was a green visualisation of just the bird chirping, the double tap triggered an new augmentation of the second sound of crickets that was depicted by a "wirey" black visual augmentation.
Users can almost manipulate the exisiting augmented sound to create new soundscapes and visualisation using various interaction paradigms. In the video, the user uses both is hands to change the existing augmentation to something else and thereby also affecting the sound.
Users can also invite other users and work/play together on a sound scape augmentation .
The goal of the project was to decode immersive experiences and contribute to the SRIB design strategy and I can safely say that these goals were achieved,
The research and concept pitch deck help create an AR vision team at Samung R n D , Bangalore.
The team would later go on to collborate with Samsung Korea on ideation , conceptualisation and building of AR experiences for Samsung mobile that I got the
opportunity to be part of
I also received the Samsung Spot Award for contributions to AR/MR/VR for the team.
I was later chosen as a one of the employees to travel to Korea , to pitch and discuss AR concepts with design counterparts in SAMSUNG,Korea
Key Contributions
- Pioneering exploratory research, focus groups and user interviews
- Synthesizing results and conducting a persona development workshop with the design team.
- Generating possible ideas and directions based on insights .
- Defining possible interaction paradigms for the concepts , keeping in mind the restrictions of the device that it was ideated for
- Creating of video prototypes
- Handled the pitch deck for creating the final story and the final concept proposals
- Stake holder management
1. One of the biggest challenges was not having actually AR VR glasses to prototype or the technical expertise to realise the concepts and be
able to test them . A big learning was figuring out workarounds and making the best use of a situation .
2. This project had a lot of ambiguity. At several stages in the project questions about where it was really heading or what would be the
outcome came up multiple times and the greatest learning for me was to have a constant point of contact with the design managers about
the progress of such a project so that they could provide direction and pointers for next steps.
3. Often it is hard to see the larger picture when we are so focused on figuring out the outcome. For a project like this it was very important
to have that larger picture in mind to motivate and feel motivated to continue working on it.
4.The learning for me here was to figuring out what UX tools are relevant and what is not based on the goal of the project.
5. Building the concepts would also mean creating relevant parameters for an ideal AR/VR /MR experience and also the ideal interaction paradigm these could have been looked into as as the way forward.
Concept 1
Ability to pick things from the environment and create an augmentation filter.
USER PERSONA : Exprience Explorer
USER NEED : Uninhibited Exploration , Stimulate Your Senses
POSSIBLE TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS : Image Recognition, Surface detection, Surface mapping, Deep sensing, Data Processing
Using sensors in the phone camera the system recognises detects objects within their space and their textures. Users are notified incase the proximity of the object for the camera isn't correct with a small live notification.
In order to check if a texture can be selected or not , the user simply taps the camera screen. A relevant feedback is given by the system to confirm the same